Thursday, February 7, 2019

The 10th Blue Mountains Ukulele Festival is here!!

Today is the day! The Blue MUGs are delighted to invite you to join us for a ukulele party like no other. This Festival is fun, family-friendly and free!

The Festival kicks off this afternoon with a Meet & Greet at 4pm at the Blue Mountains Cultural Centre.

Then you can catch the Blue MUGs opening act at 6pm in the Carrington Hotel Ballroom for a 30 minute set. Those with tickets to the opening night Dinner will move on to the Carrington Dining Room at 7pm.

No dinner tickets? No worries! You are invited to the Blue Mountains Ukulele Festival Strum Party ...
When: Friday 8th February 2019
Time: 7:30pm to 10:30pm
Where: Baroque Room, Carrington Hotel

Then from 9am Saturday 9th February we have 140 acts across 9 stages and 6 free workshops.

Then on Sunday 10th February there will be more acts and strumalongs from 9.30 to 2.30 under the big marquee in front of the Carrington Hotel. Bring your ukulele!

For a more detailed program download from here.